A Brand New Day in a Brave New World

I wonder how many people will ever read this blog besides those who I know will read it. But here am i against blogs now starting one.
I wonder if I will design this blog seeing that I dont like designing for web very much. I'll see what I can be bother to create.
Well this blog is started by the insistance of somebody and I cannot gurantee that i will post everyday. But surely often enough to keep your curiosity satisfied and waiting for the next post.
I hope its not going to be one of those i had dinner today (no lunch and breakfast coz i couldn't wake up) or one of those ToDaY wAs GrEaT (this was actually quite time consuming to type) kind of blogs.
And i do hope those of you who are staying tuned to the mind of someone like me will be satisfied with the quality of the posts.
Welcome to my mind (Can I Play With Madness and the prophet stared in his crystal ball anyone?)
Well brighten up my life people.
Anyway the sound of the keyboard is quite comforting. And since i figure most people might not actually be reading whats in this post to decide if i am intelligent enough to satisfy their time, rather measuring the length of this post. I'll just indulge myself!
KHDFKHWJLdhasklfnklanmfklanfklanklfawi ohd OKLDKLDFKLnmdaklFNAKLFKLJfklAJfklaN
hdioahdiawdioawdhaiowhdoawihdioawhdawiodh aiodiawjdioawhdoadhNDFjAHDBiawNfaengsuio
bgfafcn kaNM ipafjdiadfoiawhdioahwdhawdiohawidnd
Ok maybe i am now one paragraph more intelligent.
Back to buisness of a drama filled life. For a cliched first post lets talk about love baby!
Now many people have often wondered the meaning of the word love and why people fall in and out of love. Or even why people listen to love tunes, with Simon Lim, The Captain of your heart.
Stop wondering because i probably (Disclaimer: for a given value of the word probably) have the right answer some common answers are in hopes to find their soulmates or i just like sex, can't live without women/men, getting lonely.
However I suggest the answer is probably because we as humans are completely dumb (its quite funny how the d and b look like ears.
I mean why go through the trouble what the hell is a soul mate? can souls mate? i think not! What about sex? What is the oldest profession in the world might i ask. Can't live without women/men You've got parents havent you enough isint one woman/man in your life enough, and of course loneliness why is the cure for loneliness making out with someone of the opposite gender.
This leads us to the next question about falling in love (slightly similar to falling down the stairs for those who might have never experienced the feeling) What really defines a couple.
And i challenge you people who are actually reading this to come up with some semblance of an answer.
Like a thin line between love and hate, where lies the line that goes between couples and friends?
Being a incurable romantic, i'd like to think it's not a fat one between bush to bush. When i say bush to bush i do not refer to i-raq. Lets leave daddy issues out of love.
The cynic in me shouts its all physical! And I sit and think and wonder. Where does that classify fuck buddies in this Bizzar love equation.
So is Emotional/Physical = Love
are our emotions involved = the physical act of love X (read as times) how much you actually love a person.
In other words no sex/love = no emotions
Some of you math geniuses might be confused by this X and Y were easier to work with.
Some of you might say Hey!! You can't put love down to a mathamatical equation. Well seriously I've heard that jokes have been put down into a math equation (will not get into that ask john apparently i'm bad at telling jokes and he gave me the equation one day and forgot what it was [therefore still bad at telling jokes!])
I wonder if I will design this blog seeing that I dont like designing for web very much. I'll see what I can be bother to create.
Well this blog is started by the insistance of somebody and I cannot gurantee that i will post everyday. But surely often enough to keep your curiosity satisfied and waiting for the next post.
I hope its not going to be one of those i had dinner today (no lunch and breakfast coz i couldn't wake up) or one of those ToDaY wAs GrEaT (this was actually quite time consuming to type) kind of blogs.
And i do hope those of you who are staying tuned to the mind of someone like me will be satisfied with the quality of the posts.
Welcome to my mind (Can I Play With Madness and the prophet stared in his crystal ball anyone?)
Well brighten up my life people.
Anyway the sound of the keyboard is quite comforting. And since i figure most people might not actually be reading whats in this post to decide if i am intelligent enough to satisfy their time, rather measuring the length of this post. I'll just indulge myself!
KHDFKHWJLdhasklfnklanmfklanfklanklfawi ohd OKLDKLDFKLnmdaklFNAKLFKLJfklAJfklaN
hdioahdiawdioawdhaiowhdoawihdioawhdawiodh aiodiawjdioawhdoadhNDFjAHDBiawNfaengsuio
bgfafcn kaNM ipafjdiadfoiawhdioahwdhawdiohawidnd
Ok maybe i am now one paragraph more intelligent.
Back to buisness of a drama filled life. For a cliched first post lets talk about love baby!
Now many people have often wondered the meaning of the word love and why people fall in and out of love. Or even why people listen to love tunes, with Simon Lim, The Captain of your heart.
Stop wondering because i probably (Disclaimer: for a given value of the word probably) have the right answer some common answers are in hopes to find their soulmates or i just like sex, can't live without women/men, getting lonely.
However I suggest the answer is probably because we as humans are completely dumb (its quite funny how the d and b look like ears.
I mean why go through the trouble what the hell is a soul mate? can souls mate? i think not! What about sex? What is the oldest profession in the world might i ask. Can't live without women/men You've got parents havent you enough isint one woman/man in your life enough, and of course loneliness why is the cure for loneliness making out with someone of the opposite gender.
This leads us to the next question about falling in love (slightly similar to falling down the stairs for those who might have never experienced the feeling) What really defines a couple.
And i challenge you people who are actually reading this to come up with some semblance of an answer.
Like a thin line between love and hate, where lies the line that goes between couples and friends?
Being a incurable romantic, i'd like to think it's not a fat one between bush to bush. When i say bush to bush i do not refer to i-raq. Lets leave daddy issues out of love.
The cynic in me shouts its all physical! And I sit and think and wonder. Where does that classify fuck buddies in this Bizzar love equation.
So is Emotional/Physical = Love
are our emotions involved = the physical act of love X (read as times) how much you actually love a person.
In other words no sex/love = no emotions
Some of you math geniuses might be confused by this X and Y were easier to work with.
Some of you might say Hey!! You can't put love down to a mathamatical equation. Well seriously I've heard that jokes have been put down into a math equation (will not get into that ask john apparently i'm bad at telling jokes and he gave me the equation one day and forgot what it was [therefore still bad at telling jokes!])
Well, I'll brighten up your day, just as you do mine :)
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