And They Called It Puppy Love?

I dont really think its a run down of my day because thats what most people do and I do not think i'm MOST PEOPLE.
I serioudly wonder if that sorts it out. Thanks for indulging.
The only comment that i recieved via phone call from my last post (probably because i didn't tell many people ) was that i seemed cynical. What else is there to be?
Sometimes, going through the motions i really wonder if there is true love.
What in god's name is ture love. I spent so much time trying to figure out "love", and they put another subjective word infront of it which makes it infinity square subjective.
Lets be honnest now. Why do people fall in love? Ok not with the big questions how about a smaller one. What makes and breaks relationships between people (not you just people).
What makes is simple. It can be defined in a term that every good marketing person recgonises. 1) NEEDS
What do people need and want? Security. Emotional, Financial, Physical. What else gives people the insane notion that makes them say "I feel great, NOTHING can go wrong in this world".
Hi let me introduce you top my friend Murphy. He wrote a law that applies more to human life than all 3 of Newton's combined. One of the unsung heroes of law making. Maybe one day they'll recgonise him and name a Hawker Center after him, Murphy Hawker Center.
Murphy's law states: "Whatever that can go wrong will go wrong" (often confused with the french version Ces't La Vie)
This is something that lingers at the back of out mind screaming out like the emergency siren during a national emergency, or a national emergency exercise. Sometimes as the shit is about to hit the fan, you get this lingering uneasy feeling that something bad is about to happen it does not happen without warning.
This feelign can be described as someone with his index finger held back with potential energy poised in a flicking position, hovering closely to your unprotected scrotum. In case of lack of scrotum imagine the flicking of something sensitive like your C**t.
Ok. You must probably b wondering like i am how in gods name did i get myself into that uncomfortable monologue. As i read through again, i realise that i was trying to point out that security is somewhat a vicious cycle.
When we get it, we are happy. And we are so secure that dispite all the warning signs and such things like somebody threatening to flick your, ok lets not get into that, we ignore.
I shall attempt to explain with dialogue.
Murphy:Eh... Eh...Hello. Hello!
Me:What I'm secure don't bother me now.
Murphy: Something terrible is going to happen, Can't you see it its just...
Me: Look dont bother me i'm secur AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ^!@*(#@&#* You seriously threw shit at the fan! What in gods name is wrong with you!!!
Ok great being secure and assured with life is like a vicious cycle. Ur secure, then you'r not. You know who you are, then you don't.
Honnestly is our security measured by how much we can ignore lingering doubts and shrug of potential problems?
Seems like it and then we get woken up by a rude kick to the balls.
Isin't that what makes puppy love?
The ability to love without knowing what the hurt and pain of loving and caring comes with. Maybe thats when we know we're really secure, when we get out balls kicked in, we stand up and never learn from our mistakes. We take a look at the lingering doubt and say u just got lucky that time it wont happen again.
This of cause should not be confused with stupidy, which is instead of saying you got lucky you say "that didnt hurt at all!" (i.e. i've been through worse, or it cant get any worse). And this is not to be confused with masochism, which is saying Kick me again please, pretty please with sugar on top.
I guess this post is dedicated to puppy love, and puppys like my dog, who technically isn't a puppy, but still gives puppy dog eyes and expects people to give him food from the table.
A toast to innocence, a fragile heart and shattered emotions, and an endurance beyond human comprehension. Maybe this is why puppy love never works, we were all too young to realise we could endure more.
Let me explain,..... ok i cant really explain.
Truth is, i know jack shit about what love actually is, and why the fuck it makes me do things i dont want to do, andnot just that, i'm actually happy doing it. I dont really understand the damm motions and emotions, and as i go through them its a fucking rollercoaster ride. I wont have it anyother way though i know the only way i'm getting off is if the damm rollercoaster burst into flames and i go hurling to the ground. I dont understand why it would appear a good idea to my subconcious that the prospect of flying through the air in a metallic flaming debris. I dont know why it seems like a good idea to say FUCK IT! I know it's happened before but hey going to hell and back is better than not going anywhere at all.
Damm stupid shit if u ask me. I know how stupid and how damm nonsensical it all sounds and how much i want to stay away from hell. But honnestly i'd just give it a shot anyway, because one of the greatest virtues of the human race is its stupidity and its inability to learn from its mistakes. WWIII is not a if its happens, its a when it happens, New technology that could destroy the world 11290390 times over, who cares, we are fighting for liberity and our way of life!
If anyone says it, please remember i said it first. I'M A GODDAMM FOOL, and maybe when they develop genetically manufactured abbies, they would take out the stupidy that is so inherant in the human race.
However, no matter how intelligent i become, I'll never be able to understand my own stupidity. Sometimes i feel like i'm on a crashing plane and happily laughing at the the insane plan on how to escape without parachutes.
Well instead of puppies, maybe heres to human stupidity and the other joys of life.
4 Comments: are starting to sound like me! I'm the cynical one remember?
so YOU should write about flowers, candy, unicorns, and faerie dust aspects of love, and leave all the cynicism to me :)
afterall, who is bette aquainted with Murphy?
Puppy love indeed, perhaps it is better when we go about relations with others without pain. I don't exactly believe in puppy love, not that i don't believe that it exists. I am sure that stupidity and minature hippotamus' exist in this wonderful world just as I do.
When it comes to love, it seems to me that there is a first love and by that comparison the rest that follow will suffer.
I agree that love is dangerous and true love could possibly be when you know how close that finger is to flicking ure most precious jewels but u hold still and wait.
True love does not necessarily mean a current love. You can love from afar, painfully, dreadfully but love is suppose to endure all things isn't it?
I do like ure blog, just write my dear. Don't think too much about who you're writing for.
I am honored to have a piece of ure writing. To perhaps have a glimps of what goes on...
Hey thanks, If i had a guess i'd say its you Affine. I'm glad that you enjoy my writing, however i am not completely satisfied with the level of wit and cynicism that i hope to construct. I'm sure miniature hippotamus' do exist, after all now that u've mentioned it i cant stop thinking of it, like maybe a pink elephannt.
Ah! If i had a guess, it'd be an E
The missing link in the chain of letters, in e.
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