Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Generalising again!

well theres something else to be said. Women are mad, they are stupid and should never ever be allowed to think. They have alot of warped ideas and notions of how the world is and how love is supposed to work.

Stupidly they want a guy who loves them more, then they want a guy who they dont have to take care of, then they want a guy who has everything, then they want a guy who wont cheat on them and treat them well. And to take the fucking god dammed cake, they want a guy who doesn't lie to them.

Fucking unrealistic can! Can? Cannot? Can! Fucking CAN it.

If it isn't one huge bloody paradox, to you, bloody e-mail me at and i'll write you a lengthy reply on why i think women are dumb. If you're a woman and not like this of course dont bother (self rightous bitch!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what kind of psycho you are but you obviously don't know shit about women. could it be a reason why you have to many failed relationships? who makes you the authority in love anyway? don't you want to be treated nicely and not to be cheated on? I like looking after my boyfriend and likewise. no, he doesn't have to have everything cos whatever he has now is enough. Stop bitching and complaining cos you ain't getting punani.

11:47 am  
Blogger Seython said...

haha if you cant get people writing nice stuff atleast you can get hate mail. General rule of thumb all men dont understand womena nd all women dont understand men

6:18 pm  
Blogger Seython said...

Fitstly i dont like it that you have the courage to be so judgemental yet not have the deccency to leave your name. Secondly I dont know what gives you the right to say that i've had many failed relationships. Thirdly i did not say i was any authourity on love. Fourthly i've neither cheated on anyone nor do i want to be cheated on.
You may look after your boyfriend for now, who may be good for you for now, but you'll never really know if what he has is enough, because you dont know what he wants and you may never know what he wants, its something you can either believe that you know or not. I'm not bitching and complaining cos i aint getting punani, cunts are cheap, flash enough money and you can any pussy you want. I'm bitching because
women are stupid, and everyone of them doesn't know what they want, and when something new and flashier comes along, they think they want it, how often do you go shopping?

3:32 am  
Blogger Seython said...

You simply fail to see the paradox and the complete irony in everything that most women want, atleast most that i've met. And for my friends that read this, I am cold again, I absolutely love this feeling, i know what i want and i can do what i need with the single minded passion of only someone who doesn't care can. I'm not afraid of getting hurt or afraid of dying, because i know i've got nothing more to lose. (it may not be true, but i can believe that)

3:36 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if men don't understand women then I think you shouldn't even be putting up that post. well I shall not be a 'stupid' woman according to you and end this conversation because you are so full of shit.


9:51 am  

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