Monday, April 21, 2008

When the eyes of stangers in the MRT meet

Find the courage. To break free, to walk away. To say no, to care and still do something contrary. To feel and dare to hurt. Find the courage to be a human being, and to accept that people around you are just as human. Equally susceptible to being hurt, and being let down.

Find the courage to believe. To believe in something more than yourself. In a world that's imperfect and everything crumbles eventually.

Find the courage to be a better person. To be stronger, to live with your eyes open. Feel it all even when it's killing you. When it hurts too much for one person to bear. Be strong. Be free. Be the person you always wanted to be.


Monday, April 14, 2008

The dull ache of a pointed mallet beating against your already broken heart

Just trying to ease the pain. Walking down some empty road. Cutting ties with a rusty knife. Tired of this miserable, slow long drive.

When am i going to be able to look somebody in the eye and say something that i really think.And have it actually come across well. Sometimes its better to just lie. Lie down and let it all wash over you. The reality of the situation suddenly seems so inconsequential. And you know nothing really matters, because tomorrow is a new day. And theres a fresh steaming turd at the end of it.

Whats the point of optimism when we both know its bull. I wont be uptight if you love me tonight. When I can. I will...


Thursday, April 10, 2008


20 days later and i'm singing get me away from here i'm dying. I'm so tired of this anyway i've got this really cool game to play at work giving it a "Fucking A" Yeah!, its called fallen sword.
