Monday, November 29, 2010

My Heart

It is as simple as learning to love the things that make you upset. We start with ourselves because we need to embody our positivity. Love is an emotion. Emotions are contagious. Spread it around and you will get more of it. Always in abundance. Because more makes more. Positivity is contagious, because deep down inside, people love positivity. In essence people are whatever they are comfortable being, most of us are comfortable being positive rather than negative. The world in essence is a war, that is fought everyday by your mindset. If we would like to live in a world with peace and love, we must do our best to spread that mindset around. We do this by being good and kind to people, winning them over with the simple proposition; together we can make great things happen. As we cast aside our differences and we appreciate the excitement of achieving our similar goals, we will achieve great things. Its is the love of money based on the connotation that money gives us power and rights over other people that is the root of all evil, not money itself. If we loved money itself, we would be collectors of the different series of currency. The love of money is the veil that shields us from much of the truth. The truth is in understanding the mystery of the vast infinite, known by many names, that defines what we are, where we came from, and where we are going. The love of wisdom brings us the thirst for knowledge which leads us to the mysteries that must be solved. Only when we understand our place in this world can we move on to greater mysteries, greater pleasures, and greater challenges. Our true nature in this world can be summed up by the answer that we give as a child when asked what do we want to be when we grow up. In the sense that our passions, strengths and talents are taken into consideration when answering that question rather than how much paper will be given to us. In a sense, we are what we hate/love ultimately they are the same thing. By understanding our emotions we understand our self; by understanding our self we understand those around us; by understanding those around us, we understand us, life is learning. The only thing there is to learn is how to serve. When we serve our self we are loving our self, when we serve others we learn to love others. The greatest among us serve what we do not know, with open heart and mind to the lesson that there is always more to learn.

Go in Love and Light.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Safety First

Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Endangers


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Economics would have us believe in the principles of supply and demand. As we demand, a supply is met. MMORPG economics would show that RMT activity hinders players ability to enjoy the game. What is RMT? It is a group of people who artificially affect the economy so as to make a real monetary profit from other gamers. There is a demand for in-game currency which is met by farmers who farm and sell currency. As a result the relative value of the currency becomes worthless, and prices are inflated in worst case scenarios 'through the roof'. RMT activity is generally considered bad. Profiteering at the expense of others in a server is a culture that is slowly earning a bad name. Players who have been flagged for RMT activity are usually deleted. It raises the bar so that players who do wish to participate this illegal/immoral activity are handicapped. This widens the gap between players, leading to difference and friction and fear. Poeple feel justified at charging more for simple things. The focus changes from experiencing the game together to who can get the best thing first. When there is uncontrolled RMT activity, it affects the economy adversely. When there is a free market trade and a stable economy, people find it easier to be their best. It is a faster process because others around you want you to be your best too. At the end of the day, what I require to be my best is not the same as other people. And if we can all be good at what we do, we can create an infinite possibility of things. The thing we have to ask ourselves is do prices really have to correspond to availability. What is wrong with simply having a waiting list? Everybody wants something exclusive. When there is a waiting list, the object has a higher value, without a higher price. Which is more important to us, the value of an object or its price. While they are similar, they are not the same thing.

Life is a game. Earth is our server. What can we make it become?


Wednesday, November 03, 2010

To be or not to be?

It all starts with a thought. Throughout the ages men have desired many things. The things we have continued to desire continue to exist, and the things that we do not desire fall away from existence. We are as things appear, similar on the outside, same on the inside. It is with our heart that things happen. If you wish for it, it will come to you. But you have to know without a doubt that things should be this way. And if you do, the universe will conspire to aid you. Because it loves you, as you love yourself. After all, one are one. You can cheat anything, but you can never cheat your own heart. Experiencing cognitive dissonance causes us to distance ourself from the us that we love, and turn ourself into an us that we hate. The problem lies in the way we have been taught to think. While we have been schooled in many subjects, however the things of of real importance are to love ourselves, and to believe that we have the capacity to do great things. We should follow our passions, and stay true to our path. What we have to do, is to know what we want. There are no coincidences. So train your thoughts. guard them and discipline your mind. All you have thought of before are part of the infinite possibilities that come to you. I am whatever I choose to be. I choose to be whatever I let persist in my life. They persist in my life because I choose to be aware of them. On most matters, we know the answers before we ask the question. However, we often forget the answer is important, and the question is not.


Dog Star

I believe there can be freedom without oppression. There can be success without another's failure. I believe that there are win-win situations to be had in this world. We can all have exactly what we want without taking away from another. It is not a question of good and evil. It is a matter of my humanity, the value of my existence; and by extension - the freedom to live my life in a way that has meaning to me.
